A Tip From The Pros You Can Use At Home
Fixing dents in wood surfaces is simpler than you think, and can be done at home with a clothes iron and damp wash cloth! All you have to do is place the damp washcloth on the affected area, allowing water to wick through the wood. Next, you will set your iron to its highest setting, and place it on top of the damp washcloth. Press down firmly with your iron and make small back and forth and circular movements onto the wood through the wash cloth until you will notice that the water has evaporated, making the wash cloth dry. As the wood fibers absorb the water, they will begin to expand back to where they were originally! By repeating this process and adding more water, the dents will continue to rise up until they are flush with the rest of the material.
New Project Feature: Third Degree Heat and LMNTS at MOA!
Sneaker and fashion boutiques by the same owner, Third Degree Heat and LMNTS, are undergoing a renovation of their shared space at the Mall of America! Crawford Merz and the project team are making progress on the exciting project to expand and revamp the stores, having completed demo, framing, taping and paint. Last week, we began installation of new flooring and storage racking in LMNTS, and we are looking forward to watching the stores continue to take shape next week with millwork. Be sure to follow along with us on social media and upcoming newsletters for more updates on our projects in progress!
2024 Crawford Merz Picnic & Cornhole Tournament!
Last month, we held our annual Crawford Merz picnic and cornhole tournament at Boom Island Park! We also got to enjoy excellent food from Top It Food Truck, which is owned by our very own Superintendent, Dan Peters.